In a message dated 11/22/99 5:11:40 PM
Dear Mr. Boberick,
I am a pilot with Southwest Airlines and recently got some great service from Nashville Radio while at the BNA Int'l Airport. Memphis ARTCC was down for radar and just coming back up. We (the company) had filed a clearance several times and we couldn't get it out of the system. When we called Radio we had been waiting about 25 minutes. The customers were getting a little restless. We started to taxi out and had a clearance in 40 seconds!!! Unbelievable to say the least.
The reason for writing is to ask if you have a listing of FSS around the country. I thought it would be a good handy piece of information for our pilots at Southwest. I have seen several copies of your Flight Watch High Altitude frequency handouts and wanted to know if there was one for FSS. If one exists how can I get a bunch to put in the pilot lounges of several domiciles? Could we get copies of both handouts? ( I realize that is being greedy!) Thanks for the assistance and tell the guys & gals in BNA we were very impressed with the super service.
Captain, Southwest Airlines
[Web author's note: The Union is preparing a card, similar to our Flight Watch card for FSS frequencies at major airports. Check back to see when it is available or call our office (301 933-6228)]