- National Association of Air Traffic Specialists
- Aviation Safety is Our Business
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is to assist in managing and recovering from significant
stress, which is caused by normal and necessary reactions to abnormal events.
CISM is an educational process designed to minimize
the impact of a critical incident on employees. This program does not evaluate
employees work performance nor is it a mechanism for psychological assessment.
- For more information or assistance contact your FACREP or
- CISM National Program Coordinators
- Marci Hollingsworth (206) 764-6606, pager (206) 609-9263
- Paul Chilbert (570) 368-1022
CISM Regional Program Peers
- AAL Kim Webber (907) 474-0917
- ACE Neil Person (402) 563-1508
- AEA Paul Chilbert (570) 368-1022
- AGL Dale Walker (920) 431-5900
- ANE Keith Sorge (802) 863-1541
- ANM Walter Hazard (303) 799-7003
- ASO Holly Wilson (256) 832-2120
- ASW Glen Renken (870) 910-6444
- AWP Marci Hollingsworth (206) 764-6606
CISM Report Form
- 11303 Amherst
Avenue, Suite 4, Wheaton, MD 20902
(301) 933-6228 --- 933-3902 fax
- Copyright � 2000; NAATS,
All Rights Reserved.
- Please send any
comments, problems or questions regarding this site to John Dibble.
This page was last
updated on 1 June, 2000