October 21, 2000
will be wrapping up the remaining FY 2001 spending bills next week.
NAATS is working with congressional offices to add language to correct
the pay inequity that exists between our Flight Service Station air traffic
controllers and the 15,000 air traffic controllers and MSS field facility
controllers covered by the Air Traffic Control Specialized Compensation Plan.
help is needed!
To be
successful in adding corrective language, we must have the assistance and
approval of the Chairman of the Transportation Subcommittee, House
Appropriations Committee, Representative Frank Wolf.
Chairman Wolf has taken a leadership role on this issue by requesting
that the Inspector General, Department of Transportation, conduct an audit and
investigation into the pay parity within the air traffic line of business and
the need for additional pay reform in this area.
As important as this action is, however, the requested investigation
will take some time to complete and does not include Flight Service.
For immediate relief, we need to convince Chairman Wolf to take the
lead again, by requesting that language be inserted into one of the remaining
spending bills.
Please email Chairman Wolf at
va10legislators.com and thank him for his leadership in seeking to address
this problem. Ask Chairman Wolf
to correct the pay inequity for Flight Service Station air traffic controllers
before the Congress adjourns next week and ask that he include our amended
NAATS language into an existing appropriations bill.
NAATS and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
sent a joint letter to the congressional authorizers and appropriators
requesting congressional action to correct the ATC compensation inequities.
This letter will be posted to our website. We will continue to do everything
we can from here but we need your help. Congressional representatives respond
to constituents; I ask that you contact your congressional representatives as
soon as possible and emphasize the following:
The effect of the corrective language will be to require the FAA to compensate all air traffic controllers in a comparable manner and will be finalized and distributed to congress Monday.
Listed below are the members of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation with their telephone numbers. Ask for the person handling FAA appropriations.
Frank Wolf, R-VA | 202-225-5136 |
Tom DeLay, R-TX | 202-225-5951 |
Ralph Regula, R-OH | 202-225-3876 |
Harold Rogers, R-KY | 202-225-4601 |
Ron Packard, R-CA | 202-225-3906 |
Sonny Callahan, R-AL | 202-225-4931 |
Todd Tiahrt, R-KS | 202-225-6216 |
Robert Aderholt, R-AL | 202-225-4876 |
Kay Granger, R-TX | 202-225-5071 |
Martin Sabo, D-MN | 202-225-4755 |
John Olver, D-MA | 202-225-5335 |
Ed Pastor, D-AZ | 202-225-4065 |
Carolyn Kilpatrick, D-MI | 202-225-2261 |
Jose Serrano, D-NY | 202-225-4361 |
Senate Appropriations Transportation Subcommittee members:
Richard Shelby, R-AL | 202-224-5744 |
Pete Domenici, R-NM | 202-224-6621 |
Arlen Specter, R-PA | 202-224-4254 |
Christopher Bond, R-MO | 202-224-5721 |
Slade Gorton, R-WA | 202-224-3441 |
Robert Bennett, R-UT | 202-224-5444 |
Ben Campbell, R-CO | 202-224-5852 |
Frank Lautenberg, D-NJ | 202-224-4744 |
Robert Byrd, D-WV | 202-224-3954 |
Barbara Mikulski, D-MD | 202-224-4654 |
Harry Reid, D-NV | 202-224-3542 |
Herbert Kohl, D-WI | 202-224-5653 |
Patty Murray, D-WA | 202-224-2621 |
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week will be crucial days for us. I thank you in advance for your help.
Wally Pike