
What happens if NAATS wins the NLRB Election?

A discussion of some of the things that will happen if NAATS wins.

E-Mail Update August 01, 2006
Tuesday, 01 August 2006
NAATS HQ E-Mail Update August 01, 2006

NAATS HQ E-Mail Update

August 01, 2006 

There will be a BOD resolution posted on the web site sometime today and it basically allows the Regional Director in Alaska to amend the constitution and instead of posting it in two NAATS periodicals which we no longer have, it will be posted on the web site and sent to members eligible to vote with the ballots.  There is also a section in the resolution that would allow other flight service employees to continue to support the organization and NAGE as we work to bring retirement issues, arbitrations, EEOC case, DOL wage determination, and any other out standing issues to a close.  There will also be a new ULP filed after a ruling on a case recently by the NLRB on arbitration agreements.  There will be more on that in the next few days. 

The meetings with members of Congress and Senate will be set up after Labor Day as most of the members are back in their district now.  As soon as Steve has something I’ll get it out. 

Mike Sheldon and I have been talking with the attorneys on the EEOC case, we are currently waiting for a call back and an update in writing to see whether or not we do a status hearing.  

Our attorney is checking with DOL to see where the wage determination stands, like many other things he feels they were waiting to see what happened with the NLRB election.   

We are still working on these issues, please try to understand we are an all volunteer organization at this point and with everyone’s schedule it’s tough to get together for telcons.  We are all working at facilities that are short staffed and as you know can’t get time off on a moments notice.  I will continue to try and update you as I have information, it will be posted on the web site.  There were over 500 people that said they didn’t want representation, but there were also over 400 that said they did.  We may not be able to negotiate with LM, however, we can do everything we can to keep you informed and tie up these loose ends.  There is absolutely no way we are going to let our loyal members hang out to dry.  In the next 12 months you will be approached by other organizations for representation, please look at the entire picture, you need an organization that has a long history negotiating with private corporations the size of LM and also some experience in the Federal Sector.  NAGE/SEIU will be sending out cards in the near future, please remember the support they’ve given us to date and have promised for the future to get the retirement issues corrected.    

Kate Breen


Last Updated ( Tuesday, 01 August 2006 )
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