(Jerry VanVacter, Tim DeGrazio & Mark
A-76 Briefing from FTW
and new author!
Hi All,
This briefing was written by Angie Danner from FTW AFSS, she put it together on
her own and I think she did an outstanding job. There were just a few things I
added or edited just for clarification, it is good to sometimes get a fresh
perspective on an issue. I'm sure you are all sick and tired of my updates and
writing styles!!! Thanks Angie for not only the update but for also
participating in the workshop, Southwest Region has a fine group of people
working in our option. Also, thanks to Southwest Regional Director Mark Jaffe
for his willingness to take over the PWS lead and his charming Texas
Kate Breen
June 5, 2003
Brief from A-76 PWS Meeting, FTW AFSS
Representatives: |
Sizemore, ACA
Ug Garcia, ASW |
Representatives: |
Hoover, NAATS
Mark Jaffe, NAATS
Kate Breen, NAATS |
Grant-Thornton Representatives: |
Marlon Henry
Joshua Krieger |
Participants: |
Bjorkman, ABQ AFSS
Rhonda Young, DRI AFSS
Jim Thomas, Manager CXO AFSS
Bill Pritchard, SJT AFSS
Danny Ferraro, MLC AFSS
Oscar Hinojosa, SJT AFSS
Brian Gleich, CXO AFSS
Wyatt Bayette, JBR AFSS
Jane Lewis, AO, FTW AFSS
Roger Waite, SP, FTW AFSS
Mark Chanter, SP, FTW AFSS
Joe Carter, OS, FTW AFSS
Angie Danner, FTW AFSS
Stan Fulgham, ZYF FSDPS |
This meeting was part of
the Functional Scoping Portion of the Performance Work Statement (PWS). The
intent of the meeting was to ensure that the PWS work group is completely
informed as to all the functions and services provided by AFSS�s/IAFSS�S. The
PWS work group was primarily concerned with unique functions/services that may
be accomplished at any one AFSS/IAFSS. However, the entire dictionary (I�ll
elaborate further later on this) was covered. A couple examples of unique
functions/services include FTW AFSS�s use of ITWS, SJT as a hub facility for a
NFCT, DRI, CXO and SJT provide transborder information to pilots.
The PWS Teams have previously visited New England Region, Bangor, Maine; the
Southern Region, Miami, Florida; Central Region, St. Louis, Missouri; and
Western Pacific Region, Hawthorn, California. A second PWS Team visited the
Great Lakes Region, Lansing Michigan 6-3 through 6-5. Future visits include the
Northwest Region, Seattle, Washington 6-10 through 6-12 and the Eastern Region,
Leesburg, Virginia 6-10 through 6-12.
The PWS Team provided the group with a copy of an "AFSS Activity Dictionary".
(This is the term that is being used for the spreadsheet). The dictionary listed
each product/service (not necessarily positions); key activities provided by
each product/service, activity definitions etc. This is a very large document
and your A-76 representative should have a copy if you�d like to view it. A
complete updated copy of this dictionary will not be available until late June.
The PWS Team led the group through the dictionary line-by-line gathering input
from each facility. In addition to journeymen input, additional input was
solicited from the FSDPS, Administrative Personnel, Quality Assurance and
Training (Support Specialist).
We then went through an equipment list, matching this to the products/services
With the products/services listed, we then determined what external factors
increased the workload of each. A handful of external factors were listed and a
"given" for each product/service, i.e. weather, national security, holidays,
pilot experience, special events, etc.
Next, we examined each product/service and determined a quantitive measure for
each. Such as; product/service of Search and Rescue, could include number of
airports called, QALQ�s, INREQ�s and ALNOT�s issued.
Utilizing the products/services, we listed potential sources, frequency, how
tracked. (There was a little more involved with this exercise but my notes here
are incomplete. That�s an excuse for I can�t read my writing).
Let me outline the actual A-76 process in terms we can all understand. We all
may understand some or all of the process, but I�ll go into some detail. The
following is by no means a complete step-by-step explanation of the process but
I�m sure the information will be helpful to many people. I was assisted in the
accuracy of the following information by James Sizemore and Eric Heffernan.
Thank you gentlemen.
The PWS Team is currently in the Functional Scoping Process. This involves
visiting the facilities to determine what we actually do.
This functional scooping information will be submitted to AAT-1, who will
determine the scope of services to be competed for and those services that will
be considered a "continued government activity".
The next step is data collection. The PWS team will solicit specifics for
contract from AFSS�s. Previous information obtained was primarily concerned with
what we actually do. This process involves quantity and quality of our current
Three PWS drafts will be released. The 1st one is for internal team review. The
2nd draft will be another internal review. The 3rd draft is included in the
final acquisition of services and released to the public for bid.
In the meantime (already in progress), a separate MEO FAA core team (Donna
Holmes, Dave Hoover for NAATS and Bob McMullin, Lauren Grace for the agency),
will formulate a proposed offer (MEO) to be submitted along with the vendors
The proposals, including the MEO proposal, will be evaluated and contract
awarded by AAR-2, Source Selection. One note on this subject: Apparently in the
past the vendors competed against each other. The "selected" vendor from this
group would then compete against the MEO proposal. This is no longer true. The
MEO proposal competes along with all the vendor proposals.
At various times throughout the process, the FAA Management Representatives and
NAATS Union Representatives will be omitted from the process. This is to avoid
any appearance of a conflict of interest.
The contract will not necessarily be awarded to the lowest bidder. Cost
Technical Trade Off -- cost is only one element in the evaluation process.
Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) will be made available to vendors but their
use is not mandatory.
There are other AFSS A-76 processes currently being conducted with reference to
equipment, maintenance, as is cost, etc.
Review of proposals submitted will be done by a team of former Subject Matter
Experts (SME�s), acquisition experts and qualified individuals. The point is,
this review will be conducted by individuals who have considerable knowledge of
FSS operations and functions.
Proposals will be evaluated, prior to the awarding of the contract as to the
validity of their approaches.
Any employee compensation package, buy-out, transfers etc. will not even be
addressed as the process unfolds.
Let me address the "flow of information" from the union. The actual A-76 process
is public information. However, once the MEO group meets, these proceedings
are not public information. These individuals have signed
non-disclosure statements. You can ask a millions times, What�s the structure of
the MEO�s proposal? How many journeymen are they asking for? What locations are
they considering? What pay are they proposing? There are a million questions we
all want to know. But this information cannot legally be released until all
proposals have been submitted. I don�t like it, you don�t like it, makes us
wonder what�s going on that�s got to be kept a secret. Sorry folks, that�s the
nature of the beast.
A76 - PWS Briefing
The Performance Work Statement (PWS) Team Kick-off Meeting was held last week in
Alexandria, VA. The purpose was to provide the team with information regarding
the upcoming process and to start working on a common model of Flight Service
Union representatives on the team are Jerry VanVacter, Central Regional
Coordinator, FOD AFSS; Tim DeGrazio, FSOSC Liaison, MIA AIFSS; and Dave Hoover,
Southern Regional Director, GNV AFSS.
FAA management representatives were Steve Hopkins, FAA Team Lead; Humberto
Garcia (UG), Southwest Regional 510, FTW; Ed Castagna, ATM PNM AFSS; Bill
Moriarty, Supervisor, BGR AFSS.
Unfortunately, every team member was required to sign a Non-Disclosure
Statement. However, given the scope of activities anticipated to be performed by
the PWS Team, the free flow of specific information from the team, in my
opinion, has little impact on our effectiveness. However, the free flow of
information coming from the field Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) is critical to a
successful statement of work.
Well, what will the PWS provide to the A76 process? Basically, it details three
What services
are we asking the Most Efficient Organization (MEO) or Vendor to provide? A very
specific Requirements Document. That is not to say that everything that we
currently do will be included in the PWS. Some additional functionalities can be
declared as �Inherently Governmental� while others may not become a requirement
of future services. Those decisions are somewhere else along the A76 timeline.
It is important for the PWS Team to capture ALL activities from the standpoint
of �What� it is that we do.
How many times do we
perform a function? Workload or the intended level of effort.
How well or to what
level must the activity be performed -- Performance Level?
What we will not be
providing to the MEO or Vendors is the �How to� specific work processes or
equipment necessary to accomplish the effort (i.e. M1FC, OASIS, WSI, do this
then this, stuff).
It is important to understand that the PWS Team will be engaged in fact finding,
validating data, and documenting detailed information necessary for a
comprehensive solicitation of bids from the MEO and interested vendors. There is
no negotiating or bargaining on behalf of the Union in this process. It is not
management against the Union. There are no contract articles to protect.
Our effectiveness in developing a complete and comprehensive Performance Work
Statement is largely dependant on your contributions in the field facilities and
not the members of the PWS Team. Each facility will need to be deliberate in
selecting their most effective representative.
The Union will have one bargaining unit employee from each facility representing
operations. Supervisors, staff and management have not been afforded the same
opportunity. Ms Marilyn Jackson-Brame, Jack Nimmo and Joann Kansier, top
management unsupport, didn�t feel we needed to spend the money to include
Subject Matter Experts from every phase of Flight Service. It was because of the
efforts and support of our PWS �ground level� management team members, Ed, Bill
and UG that an operational bargaining unit member from each facility will attend
every regional workshop event. We are lucky and grateful to have them working
with us as team members.
This is not a process in which emotional reactions are effective. To the
Contrary, everyone on our team, to the field facility SMEs, to every management
and FPL providing input must be methodically focused to ensure that we capture
the very essence of Flight Service.
As you may have guessed, the actual schedule of PWS events is not available,
however, it is anticipated that it could take as much as 2 years to complete.
When the clock begins is, also, somewhat of a mystery.
Regional workshops have tentatively been targeted to occur at Bangor, Miami, St.
Louis, Hawthorne, Fort Worth, Lansing, Seattle and Leesburg. Much coordination
and logistical issues are necessary before the final determination will be made.
Nonetheless, it is essential that every facility begin compiling and organizing
those activities that they believe are unusual; particularly complex or
different than those done elsewhere in Flight Service. The A76 process may
impact agreements and working relationships with other agencies, governments and
non-governmental groups. It is important to ensure a comprehensive overview of
your facility. The PWS Team will capture as many common activities during the
process, in order to keep from duplicating efforts.
The PWS Team will provide official guidance within a few weeks regarding the
Regional Workshops. That�s some real limp information, I know and I apologize,
but we can�t provide any details until the legal folks review all correspondence
from the PWS team members for content.
Thank you in advance for the extraordinary effort upon which you and your
facility are about to engage. Tim, Jerry and I look forward to assisting you in
anyway that we can.
If you ain�t Union, you�re Vendor material!
Jerry, Tim and Dave