MIKE ROGERS 1327 East Michigan
Avenue (877) 333-MIKE Toll
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Congress of the
United States December 22,, 2003 |
Oversight and Investigations |
Dear Administrator Blakey: I was notified of your intention to conduct a public-private competition for Automated Flight Service Station (AFSS) services across the country including one in my congressional district in Lansing, Michigan. I am extremely distressed to hear this announcement especially in light of your recent commitment to Congress that "this administration has no plans to privatize the nation's air traffic control system." Do you not consider AFSS's to be part of the air traffic control system? As a member of Congress who represents an. AFSS, I would argue they most certainly are a part of our nation's air traffic control system as they provide pilot weather briefings, assist in search and rescue and process flight plans among other functions. Furthermore, they are privy to classified information when military aircraft such as Air Force One are in their flight pattern. Although I am a believer in the free-market and of limiting the role of government, when it comes to ensuring the safety and security of the American people, those duties should always remain a government function. Therefore, I strongly urge you to reconsider your notice of intent to conduct a public-private competition as I firmly believe the services provided by the AFSS to be an "inherently governmental" function. Thank you for your time and attention to my request and my concerns. Given the sensitivity of this matter, I would appreciate a response at your earliest convenience.