ADMIN: WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, United States Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.) called on the Bush Administration to stop blocking the FAA Reauthorization bill. Senator Lautenberg urged the Administration to join Republicans, Democrats, the airlines, the general aviation community and the employees of the Air Traffic Control (ATC) System, and agree to a moratorium against all efforts to privatize any area of ATC. "There is clear consensus in the Senate that a privatization ban is necessary -- even if only temporary: Congressional Republicans, Democrats, the airlines and all those who work hard to make our skies safe agree. The one party that continues to hold up critical funding for the nation�s aviation system is the Administration," said Senator Lautenberg. "It is time for them to get on board with us and let this bill fly." After only garnering 45 votes of the 60 needed in an attempt to get cloture on the FAA Reauthorization bill earlier this week, Senate Republicans on the Commerce Committee joined Lautenberg and agreed to a compromise that would place a one-year moratorium on privatizing any area of the nation�s Air Traffic Control System. The airline industry also supported the agreement and it was delivered to the Administration, but the Administration has failed to sign on to this reasonable solution. "The only people
stopping the Senate from passing the FAA bill are the ideologues in
the White House. The fate of this bill is in their hands," said
Lautenberg |