December 9, 2002 |
Honorable Marion Blakey Dear Administrator Blakey: I am contacting you on behalf of my constituents concerning the recent efforts by the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) to conduct an A/76 Outsourcing Feasibility Study for the Automated Flight Service Stations (AFSS). While I agree with the outsourcing initiatives being pushed by the federal government in an effort to save money, I am also very interested in ensuring that "inherently governmental" positions within the United States government not be outsourced, It is my understanding that the services performed by the AFSS are very supportive to the nations homeland defense initiatives and crucial to the flight safety of those in flight. The AFSS services of distributing national security Notices to Airmen (NOTAM's) and the important role of being the distribution source of aviation weather to those in flight underscore the importance of those who work for the AFSS. With these important duties in mind, I would like to encourage the FAA to be very careful in their analysis of whether the positions at the AFSS are inherently governmental or not. It is my belief that they are inherently governmental because of the nature of their duties outlined above. As you continue through the A-76 Outsourcing Feasibility Study for the AFSS, I respectfully request that you review all of the functions of the AFSS before deciding whether or not it would make a good candidate for outsourcing or not. I would be grateful if you would keep my Washington, D.C. office informed of your AFSS outsourcing efforts as you continue through the evaluation process.
OGH:jjj |