Street address
City, State Zip Code
The Honorable______________________
_______________ House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
or |
The Honorable______________________
_______________ Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510 |
Dear ___________________ :
I am opposed to contracting out of
America's Air Traffic Control Services. People will die because of it. These
are not mundane jobs. Contracting to the lowest bidder will reduce the
SAFETY and SECURITY of the citizens of the United States. Eventually user
fees will cause pilots not to use these essential services. We need prompt
action from you to keep ATC a FEDERAL function. I ask that, as my
representative, you support legislation which will again define the United
States Air Traffic Controllers in all three options, Flight Service,
Terminal & Enroute, as "INHERENTLY GOVERNMENTAL". I would appreciate a
response indicating how you stand on this issue. Thank you for your
assistance in this important matter.
On behalf of Name
Click here to email us your name, address (including zip code so we can look
up your representatives) and phone number. This information will not be
used by NAATS for any other purpose.
You can also copy
this message and FAX it to your representatives' local offices.
Thank-you for
supporting Aviation Safety and Security.