Congress of the
United States June 8, 2004 |
The Honorable Marion Blakey Dear Administrator Blakey:
We are writing regarding the ongoing A-76 study being conducted on
all Automated Flight Service Station (AFSS) services across the
country. We have been extremely concerned with several aspects of
this entire initiative and process being carded out by the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA). dictates that the safety and security of the American people are undoubtedly core government functions, and therefore, "inherently governmental" under the guidelines of the A-76 program. AFSS controllers pro, fide temporary flight restriction information and monitor restricted airspace for commercial flights, NASA flights, and even the President o�the United States. In the words of one AFSS controller, "'s hard to imagine a more inherently governmental function relating to national security." Because of the urgency and sensitivity of this matter, as well as the impending conclusion of the AFSS A-76 study, please respond to the following questions as soon as is practicable. One, is the FAA aware of a proposal by the National Association of Air Traffic Specialists (NAATS) that could potentially save the FAA $600 million over a seven year period? And two, if the FAA is aware of the NAATS proposal, has the FAA prepared an analysis of the NAATS proposal that has been released to the public? We thank you for your careful consideration of our concerns and request. Please contact Heather Keiser in Rep. Rogers' office (202-225-4872), or Rob Steptoe in Rep. Capito's office (202-225-2711) if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely,