Section 1. The FAA Air Traffic Control Specialist Health Program shall cover all Air Traffic Control Specialist bargaining unit members. In accordance with the provisions of that program, the Employer shall provide medical examinations for employees when required for currency.

Section 2. National medical standards and associated tests shall be established in accordance with OPM regulations and shall be applied uniformly nationwide.

Section 3. An Agency medical officer or a certified Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) shall conduct medical clearance examinations. If there is not a medical officer located in the vicinity, then the Employer shall provide the name(s) of approved ATCS Examiner(s) within a reasonable traveling distance.

Section 4. Class II medical certificates are not required for the performance of air traffic control duties. Class II or III medical certificates may be issued to bargaining unit members who request a Class II or III certificate as an airman.

Section 5. All medical examinations required by the Employer shall be scheduled on duty time. Employees shall be reimbursed for mileage and parking fees.

Section 6. Time spent by an employee participating in a medical examination, evaluation or review, shall be considered hours of work for purposes of determining any entitlement to overtime pay.

Section 7. No expense shall be borne by bargaining unit employees for required medical examinations. If after initial examination, the Flight Surgeon believes that further medical evaluation or reports by selected physicians or other medical specialists are necessary to determine if the employee meets the standards, such evaluations or reports will be authorized, and, if there is any cost involved, paid by the Regional Flight Surgeon.

In cases where the Flight Surgeon authorizes additional evaluations, employees may submit names of physicians or medical specialists to be considered to conduct the evaluation under this Section. Reimbursement shall not be made unless the services are authorized by the Regional Flight Surgeon.

If a determination is made that an employee does not meet the retention standards, further medical evaluations or reports submitted by the employee to obtain initial or continuing special consideration by the Flight Surgeon will not be authorized or paid by the Employer. If an employee does not meet the standard, either temporarily or permanently, the medical examiner will outline for the employee, in writing, which of the medical standards have not been met. The Regional Flight Surgeon shall consider all available medical information before issuing a permanent medical disqualification.

Employees must assume the expense of any self-initiated examinations to support review actions. Costs of refraction or lenses, or other appliances, or any treatment required to meet the medical standards shall be borne by the employee. The Flight Surgeon normally will not determine that an employee meets or does not meet medical retention standards solely on the basis of the information provided by the employee�s own physician.

If the employee disputes a permanent medical disqualification by the Regional Flight Surgeon, the medical documentation relied upon in making the decision may be reviewed by the Federal Air Surgeon. If the Federal Air Surgeon review determines that the ATCS is qualified without special consideration, the Agency will bear the expense of any additional examination(s) or reports not covered by medical insurance and determined relevant for the aeromedical determination by the Federal Air Surgeon. If the Federal Air Surgeon review determines that the ATCS is not qualified or that the ATCS is qualified with special consideration, the employee will bear the expense of any additional examination(s) or report(s).

In the event that the Federal Air Surgeon chooses not to review the Regional Flight Surgeon�s decision or if the employee disagrees with the decision of the Federal Air Surgeon/Regional Flight Surgeon, he/she may seek a remedy in accordance with Article 67 of this Agreement or any other procedure available in law or regulation.

Section 8. The Employer agrees that determinations of eligibility for employee medical clearance and/or waivers (special considerations) to the medical certificate shall be granted on solely medical factors, and shall indicate the employee is medically qualified to perform air traffic control duties. Any limitations provided for by a waiver shall be communicated to the employee in writing. If no such limitations are imposed, this information will also be communicated to the employee in writing.

Section 9. In the event an employee is permanently medically disqualified, he/she shall have the opportunity to appeal such decision to the Federal Air Surgeon, FAA Headquarters, Washington, DC. Pending the outcome of the decision by the Federal Air Surgeon, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort to provide the employee with administrative duty in accordance with Article # (NAATS proposed Article 51, Assignment of Temporarily Disabled Employees) of this Agreement. For the purposes of this provision, the employee shall continue to be considered a member of the bargaining unit. In the event of a negative determination, the employee shall have the option to apply for a disability retirement or request to be reassigned to a position for which he/she is qualified, or be accommodated in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and this Agreement.

Section 10. Any psychological examinations of bargaining unit members shall be ordered in accordance with Agency policy and consistent with 5 CFR 339.

Section 11. Employees shall not perform air traffic control duties beyond the last day of the month in which their medical certificate expires unless the clearance is extended by special consideration of the Regional Flight Surgeon. It is the employee's responsibility to report for medical exams scheduled by the Employer. In such cases where the medical certificate expires and no extension is granted by the Regional Flight Surgeon, the employee shall perform duties not requiring a medical certificate until such time as a medical determination is rendered.

Section 12. Employees may not perform ATC duties during any period of known physical deficiency, concurred with by the Regional Flight Surgeon, that would make them unable to meet their current medical clearance. If such conditions occur sick leave, (or, at the employee�s option) annual leave, credit hours, LWOP or compensatory time may be approved in accordance with the appropriate provisions of this agreement.

Section 13. At least once annually, the Employer shall provide medication guidelines including restricted medications to the Union at the national level. These guidelines are not a comprehensive or all-inclusive list of all medications that restrict employees from performing safety-related duties. Further guidelines on restricted medications may be found in FAA Order 7210.3P.

Section 14. The provisions of this Article shall be applied uniformly nationwide.



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