Section 1. Annual performance appraisals shall be made under the provisions of applicable laws, regulations, FAA directives, and this Agreement. A copy of the annual performance appraisal shall be given to the employee.

Section 2. Members of the unit shall be rated by their first-line supervisor. The first-line supervisor shall review and discuss the rating with the employee.

Section 3. FAA directives require the Agency to encourage employee participation in establishing performance standards. The Union may nominate bargaining unit employees to serve on any national committee established in accordance with Article 24, Work Groups, Committees, Programs, and Project Representatives.

Section 4. Performance standards established by the Employer shall be consistent with the position description for the position. The employee may initiate a request for the supervisor to review the performance standards. If performance standards are adjusted at the national level during the rating period, performance under the standards must be used as the basis for any rating of record. The new performance standards must have been in effect for at least 90 days at the time of the rating. Changes may be made in the performance plans during the last 90 days of the appraisal period only when necessary; however, the employee cannot be rated on the changed plan until he/she has worked for at least 90 days under the new plan. The supervisor shall justify in writing any changes made less than 90 days before the end of the appraisal period. New performance standards become effective following approval by a higher official than the immediate supervisor.

Section 5. Annual performance appraisals shall be recorded on the forms provided by the Employer for that purpose.

Section 6. Performance standards established by the Employer shall be applied to individual employees in a fair and equitable manner. The employee's performance will be measured throughout the year against the written performance standards of his/her position. The supervisor should document all progress reviews other than brief performance related remarks, including agreements and/or disagreements. Documentation should adequately reflect the substance of the discussion. A copy of this documentation shall be given to the employee upon request. Frequent, informal progress reviews may be conducted at any time at the supervisor's discretion. Formal progress reviews are required under the following circumstances:

a. Preferably at the midpoint or within 30 days before or after the midpoint of each appraisal period.

b. When an employee's performance becomes unsatisfactory under any performance standard.

c. Preferably 90 days after a new supervisor/employee relationship is established.

All progress reviews, whether required or discretionary, should be open exchanges regarding performance standards. The rating official and the employee should be able to "fine tune" the meaning of the written performance standards jointly. The supervisor should schedule the meetings in advance on a regular cycle. Periodic progress reviews should not be viewed as punishment or reward in themselves, which result from one particularly good or bad instance of performance, but as a normal way for the supervisor and employee to formally or informally communicate on the employee's progress toward goals and accomplishments.

Section 7. Bargaining unit employees shall not be required to sign any document during any performance appraisal process. The employee may make comments in the Remarks section or attach them on a separate page.

Section 8. At any point during the rating period that the first-line supervisor believes an employee's performance may result in an unacceptable rating (Fails to Meet Expectations), the supervisor shall identify the standards for which performance is unacceptable and will meet with the employee to discuss the matter. Normally such performance discussions shall be conducted on a one-to-one basis between an employee and the rating official. If more than one management official is present, the Employer may allow a union representative to be present at the employee's request. If the employee asks that a representative be given his/her performance related documents for review, the supervisor shall give the representative all the documents which relate to the employee's performance that is in question. The supervisor will write an Opportunity to Demonstrate Performance (ODP) plan which will identify what the employee must do to improve his/her performance to be retained in the job and what the Employer will do to assist the employee. The supervisor has the final authority to write the plan, but will consider ideas proposed by the employee or representative.

Section 9. When an appraisal of supervisory potential is used as part of the Merit Promotion Program, employees shall be allowed to review the form containing the appraisal of their supervisory potential and the supervisor shall discuss the appraisal with the employee. These discussions shall be held with the employee at the time such appraisal of supervisory potential is completed or revised.

Section 10. Employees shall be rated only on those performance standards for which they were provided an opportunity to demonstrate performance. In those instances where an employee is not provided an opportunity to demonstrate performance in a specific performance standard, he/she shall not be rated on that element nor shall that performance standard be a factor when the employee is being considered for a rating.

Section 11. Use of authorized official time and approved absences for labor relations activities shall not be an evaluative factor in employee performance appraisals.

Section 12. The appraisals made pursuant to this Article shall not be required to conform to any pre-established distributions of expected levels of performance that interfere with appraisal of actual performance against outcomes.

Section 13. When assessing the employee's performance to determine whether it is deserving of special recognition, the Employer shall consider the employee's performance outside his/her current position description.

Section 14. Data accumulated from electronic Management Information Systems (e.g., TMIS, EMIS, etc.) will not be solely relied upon to evaluate an employee's performance.

Section 15. Waivers to the time constraints under this Article may be granted by mutual agreement of the Parties.




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