(Withdrawn without prejudice by the Union 3/27/02)
Section 1. The Parties agree that the
following issues are subject to negotiations annually under
Article 91,
Mid-Term Bargaining of this Agreement at the identified levels:
(1) National Level: Distribution of
bargaining unit positions among regions. In determining regional
allocations, the Parties shall solicit input from the Air Traffic Division
Managers and the NAATS Regional Directors.
(2) Regional Level: Distribution of bargaining unit positions among
facilities within each region.
(3) Facility Level: Distribution of bargaining unit positions to watch
Section 2. Within any individual
facility, position(s) outside the bargaining unit may not be filled if the
percentage of on-board staffing to authorized staffing of bargaining unit
employees is less than the percentage of on-board staffing to authorized
staffing in the position where the vacancy exists, unless a waiver, in
writing, is granted from the Director of Air Traffic (AAT-1).
Section 3. In the event that the Parties at any level cannot reach
agreement under Section 1, the issue shall be resolved in accordance with
Executive Order 12871, 5 USC Chapter 71, and applicable case law.