Section 1. Prior to temporary assignment away from
the facility, volunteer bids shall be solicited. Temporary assignments shall
be made on an equitable basis.
Section 2. In the event of staffing emergencies determined by the Air
Traffic Division Manager an employee may be temporarily assigned consistent
with applicable law and regulations.
Section 3. The Employer agrees to provide information as available to
employees in locating suitable lodging at reduced rates prior to extended
temporary duty assignments.
Section 4. Employees shall not be required to travel in a non-duty
Section 5. Travel and per diem for employees on temporary assignments
shall be paid in accordance with the FAA Travel Policy, applicable directives,
and this Agreement.
Section 6. The employer will provide pertinent information regarding
travel and transportation entitlements available to the employee in connection
with an extended temporary assignment or permanent change of station. The
Employer shall assist the employee in the completion of forms and obtaining
the answers to any questions the employee has pertaining to the assignment
and/or entitlements.
Section 7. Annually, the Employer shall provide the Union, at the
national level, with a report of all PCS moves, within the AAT organization,
for the preceding fiscal year. This report shall contain, the date of each
move, the losing and gaining facility, and the position filled.
Section 8. Except for emergencies, bargaining unit employees shall
receive at least 3 weeks advance notification for any duty assignments away
from his/her permanent duty station.