Section 1. The Air Traffic Manager shall
maintain a roster(s) of qualified bargaining unit employees who have indicated
a desire to work overtime and/or credit hours.
a. Prior to assigning overtime work, the
Employer shall offer employees on the credit hour roster the opportunity to
work credit hours, on an equitable basis.
b. When management determines a need for bargaining unit employees to
perform overtime work, it shall first be made available to employees on the
overtime roster, on an equitable basis. In the event no employees on the
roster are available, management may require other unit employees to work
the overtime. The roster provided for in this Section shall be available to
facility employees.
Section 2. If an employee assigned to
work overtime can secure a qualified replacement, he/she shall be relieved of
the assignment. If the employee cannot secure a qualified replacement, the
employee shall work the overtime. An employee may be relieved of an overtime
assignment when:
a. The health or efficiency of the employee
may be impaired.
b. Personal circumstances make it impossible for the employee to perform the
overtime duty.
Section 3. Annual and or sick leave may
be granted to any employee regardless of whether or not overtime work is being
performed at the time.
Section 4. Normally, previously scheduled overtime shall not be
canceled without seven days notice. However, if an employee cancels or returns
from annual or sick leave, any overtime scheduled to cover that employee's
absence may be canceled without regard to the seven days notice requirement.
Section 5. When an employee is assigned overtime work or credit hours
under Section 1 above on his/her regularly scheduled day off, the employee is
guaranteed a minimum period of eight hours of work.
Section 6. When an employee is called in before or held over past
his/her regularly assigned shift under Section 1 above, the employee is
guaranteed two hours of work. Employees shall not normally be assigned more
than two additional hours beyond their regularly assigned shift.
Section 7. Employees shall receive base pay plus one-half of their
regular rate for all overtime work. The increment of payment shall be one
minute. All time worked, including hours and minutes, shall be recorded on a
daily basis.
Section 8. Overtime pay computations for non-exempt bargaining unit
employees must be made solely in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act
(FLSA) regulations in 5 CFR Part 551 and this Agreement. Employees are not
eligible for overtime pay for work in excess of eight hours in an
administrative workday, except in cases where they have been called in before
the beginning, or held over beyond the end, of their scheduled shift. For the
purpose of this provision, authorized leave, compensatory time used, and
credit hours used are considered hours of work.
Section 9. The Parties recognize the Employer has determined FG-2152
NAATS bargaining unit members at flight service stations are non-exempt
employees for FLSA purposes. Non-exempt employees shall receive base pay plus
one-half of their regular rate for all FLSA overtime work.
Section 10. Except as otherwise provided in Sections 10a and 10b below,
compensatory time off may not be substituted for overtime pay for regularly
scheduled overtime work.
a. At the request of an employee, the
Employer may grant compensatory time off from an employee's tour of duty
instead of payment for an equal amount of irregular or occasional overtime
b. At the request of an employee, the Employer may grant compensatory time
off from an employee's basic work requirement under a flexible work schedule
instead of payment for an equal amount of overtime work, whether or not
irregular or occasional in nature.
Section 11. If an employee has any
entitlement to overtime pay under FLSA at the end of a work week, the Employer
cannot require the employee to take compensatory time instead of overtime pay.