Section 1. Negotiated Alternative Work
Schedules (AWS) shall be authorized in accordance with this Agreement.
Section 2. An AWS shall not have an adverse impact as determined by the
a. The AWS may not result in a productivity
b. The AWS may not result in a diminished level of services furnished to the
c. The AWS may not result in an increase to the cost of facility operations.
Cost factors
do not include AWS administration.
Section 3. If the employer determines
under the criteria established by 5 USC 6131 that any schedule established
under the provisions of this Article has had or would have an adverse Agency
impact, it will follow the impasse provisions of Article XX, Mid-Term
Bargaining, of this Agreement.
Section 4. In accordance with this Article and
Article 62, Watch
Schedules, of this Agreement, the Parties at the local level are free to
negotiate and implement any of the following work schedules:
a. Basic 40 hour work week - Defined as five
(5) eight (8) hour days in a work week.
b. Compressed - Defined as eighty (80) hour biweekly basic work requirement,
which is scheduled for less than ten (10) work days.
c. Flexible - Defined as any schedule which includes designated hours and
during which an employee on such a schedule must be present for work, and
designated hours during which an employee on such a schedule may elect the
of their arrival at and departure from work within an eighty (80) hour
biweekly basic
work requirement.
Section 5. Developmentals may
participate in an AWS unless the Employer determines that it will adversely
impact their training.
Section 6. �Core time� is defined as those designated hours and days
during the biweekly pay period when an employee on certain flexible schedules
must be present for work. Recognizing the Employer�s statutory right to assign
work, the Parties are encouraged to work collaboratively to determine core
Section 7. AWS limitations include the following:
a. Subject to approval by the Employer, based
on staffing, employees on a flexible
AWS may vary start times on a daily basis during the established flexible
b. The scheduled shift shall not exceed ten (10) consecutive hours,
overtime, credit hours, and compensatory time.
c. Employees shall not be required to have less than eight (8) hours between
shifts. At
the employee�s request this may be reduced to no less than six (6) hours
shifts. This includes basic forty (40) hour work week schedules.
d. Employees may not flex between pay periods.
e. Premium pay will be paid in accordance with current law and Federal
Section 8. �Credit Hours� are
non-overtime hours worked which are in excess of an employee�s basic work
requirement and which are earned at the election of the employee after
approval by the Employer. All schedules identified in Section 4 of this
Article are considered and coded a flexible schedule for any employee wishing
to earn, use, or maintain a balance of credit hours. Employees may accrue and
carry over credit hours into any pay period. Upon leaving the Agency, pay out
of any unused credit hour balance shall not exceed twenty four (24) hours at
the regular rate of pay. The employee is responsible for using any balance of
credit hours in excess of twenty four (24) or the time is forfeited upon
leaving the Agency. Credit hours shall not be converted to pay on changing
from a flexible schedule to a basic or compressed schedule.
Section 9. Credit hours must be earned prior to their use. Procedures
for approving the use of earned credit hours shall be the same as those for
approving annual leave under Article XX, Annual Leave, of this Agreement.
Credit hours may be earned at the end of one pay period and applied to the
first work day in the next pay period. Unless in a use or lose situation,
employees shall first use accrued compensatory time, then accrued credit hours
before annual leave.
Section 10. Bargaining unit members who are otherwise eligible shall be
authorized to earn credit hours to replace another employee�s shift to
accommodate a leave request, which has been denied, or a familiarization trip.
The individual earning the credit hours must possess the qualifications for
shift coverage.
Section 11. The approval to earn credit hours in Section 10 may be
cancelled when the employee, for whom another employee was voluntarily
substituting, cancels the associated leave/familiarization training request.
Section 12. AWS participation shall be voluntary. All employees who
volunteer and subsequently participate will be expected to participate until
their schedules are re-negotiated. An employee may be relieved from an AWS for
hardship reasons. The reason shall be set forth in writing to the Employer and
the Union at the local level. Removals from the AWS for hardship reasons shall
be based on the merits of each case, and if found acceptable by the Employer,
after direct discussion with the Union, employees shall be accommodated as
soon as operational and scheduling requirements permit.