Section 1. The Employer shall designate
a nationwide payday which should be on the earliest day practicable following
the close of the pay period. Such payday shall not be later than the second
Tuesday after the close of the pay period.
Section 2. Earnings and leave statements shall be received by employees
no later than the second Tuesday after the close of the pay period.
Section 3. If an employee does not receive his/her salary
check/electronic deposit on the regular delivery date, he/she may contact
his/her supervisor/designated management official who shall assist him/her in
tracing the check or obtaining a substitute payment.
Section 4. Calls concerning employee lost salary checks/electronic
deposits will be given top priority attention the payroll office. Employees
will be informed as soon as possible of the status of the search or issuance
of a replacement payment.
Section 5. Such replacement payments will be issued to employees as
expeditiously as practicable.
Section 6. The Employer shall issue W-2 forms and wage and tax
statements no later than January 31 of each year.