Section 1. When a full facility check evaluation is
conducted at an AFSS facility, the Union at the local level may appoint 1
bargaining unit member to serve on the evaluation team. The evaluation team
leader may request 1 additional union appointed team leader. The
Union-appointed team member(s) shall be on duty status and will function at
the direction of the evaluation team leader.
Section 2. When a full facility check evaluation is conducted at a
non-Automated Flight Service Station (FSS) facility with less than 5 on board
FPLs, local level Union participation will be subject to operational
requirements. When a local bargaining unit member cannot be released to serve
on the evaluation team, the Parties agree to allow a Union representative from
the Hub AFSS to participate. The Union-appointed team member shall be on
official time, including travel time and will function at the direction of the
evaluation team leader. Travel expenses will be the responsibility of the
Section 3. The appointed Union representative may attend round table
discussions and debriefings to facility management whenever the full team is
assembled for the purpose of such discussions or briefings. The Parties
recognize that participation in all team activities may involve working
outside the normal duty hours and that Union participation is strictly
voluntary. No overtime is authorized or will be paid for time spent serving as
a member of the evaluation team.
Section 4. The local Union representative shall be given a copy of the
final evaluation report at the time the report is given to the facility