Section 1. The Parties agree with the leave transfer
program, which provides for the voluntary transfer of unused accrued annual
and sick leave from a leave donor for use by an approved leave recipient.
Section 2. An employee may make a written application to the Employer
to become a leave recipient. If an employee is not capable of making an
application on his or her own behalf, a personal representative of the
potential leave recipient may make a written application on the employee�s
behalf. Each application shall be accompanied by the following information
concerning each potential leave recipient:
a. the name, position title, and grade or pay level of the
potential leave recipient;
b. the reasons transferred leave is needed, including a brief description of
the nature, severity and anticipated duration of the medical emergency, and
if it is a recurring one, the approximate frequency of the medical emergency
affecting the potential leave recipient;
c. certification from one (1) or more physicians, or other appropriate
experts, with respect to the medical emergency, if the potential leave
recipient�s employing agency so requires; and
d. any additional information that may be required by the potential leave
recipient�s employing agency.
Section 3. A leave recipient may use leave
transferred to the leave recipient�s accounts only for the purpose of a
medical emergency for which the leave recipient was approved.
Section 4. Leave transferred under this Article may be substituted
retroactively for a period of leave without pay or used to liquidate an
indebtedness for advanced annual or sick leave granted on or after a date
fixed by the leave recipients employing agency as the beginning of the period
of medical emergency for which LWOP or advanced annual or sick leave was
Section 5. An employee may submit a voluntary written request to the
Employer that a specific number of hours of the donor�s accrued annual or sick
leave be transferred from the donor�s leave account to the leave account of a
specified leave recipient.
Section 6. Limitations on donation of annual leave are as follows:
a. In any one (1) leave year, a leave donor may donate no
more than a total of one-half of the amount of annual leave they would be
entitled to accrue during the leave year in which the donation is made.
b. In the case of a leave donor who is projected to have annual leave that
otherwise would be subject to forfeiture at the end of the leave year, the
maximum amount of annual leave that may be donated during the leave year
shall be the lesser of:
(1) one half (1/2) of the amount of annual leave they
would be entitled to accrue during the leave year in which the donation is
made; or
(2) the numbers of hours remaining in the leave year (as of the date of
transfer) for which the leave donor is scheduled to work and receive pay.
c. The Employer shall establish written criteria for
waiving the limitations on donating annual leave under paragraphs (a) and
(b) above. Any such waiver shall be documented in writing.
Section 7. A leave donor may request that a specific
number of hours be transferred from their sick leave account to the leave
account of a leave recipient so long as the donor�s sick leave balance remains
at a minimum of two hundred forty (240) hours.
Section 8. While a leave recipient is in a shared leave status, annual
and sick leave shall accrue to the credit of the leave recipient at the same
rate as if they were in a paid leave status except that:
a. the maximum amount of annual leave that may be accrued
by a leave recipient while in a shared leave status in connection with any
particular medical emergency may not exceed forty (40) hours, (or in the
case of a part-time employee or an employee with an uncommon tour of duty,
the average number of hours in the leave recipient�s weekly scheduled tour
of duty); and
b. the maximum amount of sick leave that may be accrued by a leave recipient
while in a shared leave status in connection with any particular medical
emergency may not exceed forty (40) hours (or, in the case of a part-time
employee or an employee with an uncommon tour of duty, the average number of
hours in the leave recipient�s weekly scheduled tour of duty).
Any annual or sick leave accrued by a leave recipient under
this section shall be transferred to the appropriate leave account of the
leave recipient and shall become available for use:
a. as of the beginning of the first pay period beginning
on or after the date on which the leave recipient�s medical emergency
terminates; or
b. if the leave recipient�s medical emergency has not yet terminated, once
the leave recipient has exhausted all leave made available to them.
Section 9. Restoration of unused transferred leave
shall be in accordance with the Employer�s existing rules.
Leave donor: An employee whose voluntary written request for transfer
of annual or sick leave to the leave account of a leave recipient that is
approved by the Employer.
Leave recipient: A current employee with a medical emergency for whom
the Employer has approved an application to receive annual or sick leave from
the leave accounts from one or more leave donors.
Medical emergency: A medical condition of an employee or a family
member of such employee that is likely to require an employee�s absence from
duty for a prolonged period of time and to result in a substantial loss of
income to the employee because of the unavailability of paid leave.
Paid leave status: The administrative status of an employee while the
employee is using annual or sick leave accrued or accumulated.
Shared leave status: The administrative status of an employee while the
employee is using transferred leave.