Section 1. The Employer has established a Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Program which is designed to proactively manage the common disruptive physical, mental, and emotional factors that an employee may experience after a critical incident (i.e., accidents/incidents, such as an aviation disaster with loss of life, the death of a co-worker, acts of terrorism, violence in the work place, exposure to toxic materials, prolonged rescue or recovery operations, and natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes). Upon request, an employee involved in or witnessing a critical incident shall be relieved from operational duties (safety-related) as soon as feasible.

Section 2. The Agency's CISM Program is an educational process designed to minimize the impact of a critical incident on employees. This program is not intended to evaluate employees in terms of gathering factual information about employee performance or to be a mechanism for psychological assessment.

Section 3. The Union will appoint eleven bargaining unit employees (at least one per region) to serve as members of the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) team for the purpose of responding to critical incidents and providing peer support. From within these peer debriefers, the Union, at the national level, may designate up to three national CISM coordinators to work with the Employer's national EAP Program Manager, as the National NAATS/FAA CISM Coordination Team.

Section 4. The Employer will provide appropriate CISD training to the Union designees on duty time if otherwise in a duty status. Travel and per diem allowances will be provided in accordance with appropriate FAA directives and regulations. The Employer agrees to adjust the schedule(s) of participants to allow them to participate in a duty status. Employees will be compensated in accordance with applicable FAA directives and regulations.

Section 5. The regional peer debriefer shall be notified whenever a critical incident occurs involving bargaining unit members within his/her jurisdiction.

Section 6. Whenever the Employer determines to send out a CISD team, the designated peer debriefer shall be relieved as soon as operational requirements permit from his/her normal duties. The Employer will adjust the designated peer debriefer's schedule to allow for travel and participation in CISD team activities on duty time. Travel and per diem expenses will be authorized in accordance with FAA directives and regulations.

Section 7. The Employer will notify the principal Facility Representative or his/her designee a reasonable time in advance whenever employees will be required to attend mandatory educational briefings, and will provide the principal Facility Representative opportunity to attend.

Section 8. When the Employer conducts a mandatory educational briefing following a critical incident, all affected employees will be notified and will be required to attend. Upon completion of this briefing, employees will be notified that an Employer's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) contractor and a peer debriefer will be available for bargaining unit employees who request additional Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). An employee�s participation in a CISD after the mandatory educational briefing is voluntary. The use of EAP services will be provided in accordance with the provisions of Article XX, Employee Assistance Program, of this Agreement and applicable FAA directives. If requested, bargaining unit employees will only receive peer support from other bargaining unit employees.


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