Section 1. At his/her request, an employee who is
temporarily medically or physically unable to perform operational duties,
shall be assigned other appropriate facility duties, to the extent such duties
are available. If such duties are not available, the Employer may offer
assignment of work at other air traffic facilities within the commuting area,
to the extent such duties are available.
Section 2. An employee absent from duty because of illness and awaiting
a determination on his/her physical fitness to return to operational duties
may submit a written request for temporary assignment, not to exceed 12 months
to other duties commensurate with the disability and the employee�s
qualifications. The facility management shall make a reasonable attempt to
provide the employee any appropriate assignment.
Section 3. Such employees shall continue to be considered for
promotional opportunities for which they are otherwise qualified.
Section 4. Employees assigned duties under the provision of this
Article shall continue to be considered as bargaining unit employees and shall
be entitled to all provisions of this Agreement and those provided by law and
Section 5. At his/her request, an employee who is temporarily
prohibited from performing operational duties because of medications
restricted by the Employer may be assigned other duties in accordance with
Section 1 of this Article.
Section 6. Medically restricted or incapacitated employees may be
assigned part-time employment at their request, in accordance with this
Agreement, provided their medical condition does not inhibit their ability to
perform available duties.
Section 7. When work is not available under Sections 1, 2, or 5 of this
Article, sick leave shall be taken. At the employee�s option, annual leave,
LWOP, credit hours, or compensatory time may be substituted for sick leave.
Section 8. The provisions of this Article apply to employees who are
placed in a restricted or incapacitated status as defined in FAA Order