Section 1. The Parties recognize that physical
fitness programs and Wellness Centers contribute to increased productivity,
reduced health insurance premiums, improved morale, reduced turnover, enhance
the greater ability of employees to cope with stressful situations and
increase Agency recruitment potential.
Section 2. By mutual agreement, the Parties may form a Wellness
Committee at the local level which shall be administered in accordance with
the Article on Workgroups, Committees, Program, and Project Representatives of
this Agreement. The committee should be formed so as to fairly represent all
facility employees. The Union may designate a representative to serve as a
member of the committee.
Section 3. The Employer should make available to each Wellness
Committee a copy of the Federal FITKIT, OPM Document Number 148-66-0, OMB
Circular A-72, Federal Employees Occupational Health Service Programs, DOT
Order 3960.2, Department of Transportation Employee Fitness Center, FPMR TR
A-29, Physical Fitness Facilities, and any other document which, in the
Employer�s opinion, may be of assistance in setting up facility fitness