Section 1. For the purposes of this Agreement,
excused absence is defined as an employee�s absence from duty and duty station
without loss of, charge to, or reduction of an employee�s leave, pay or
Section 2. Employees may be allowed up to four (4) hours excused
absence based on operational requirements in connection with each blood or
platelet donation. If proof of attendance is required, employees shall be
notified in advance.
Section 3. Employees may be granted excused absence for brief tardiness
of up to one (1) hour when the employee provides acceptable justification.
Section 4. In accordance with Agency directives, excused absence may be
made available for other circumstances, such as voting and home leave.
Section 5. Up to sixty-four (64) hours of excused absence shall be
granted for arrangements incident to a change in the employee�s official post
of duty regardless of whether or not the residence is being relocated.
Employees will provide justification for the use of this time. This Section is
not inclusive of any time provided for �house hunting�.