Section 1. The Employer recognizes that it is in its
interest to have Union support for surveys of bargaining unit employees or
surveys of target groups evaluating the quality of service and/or the need for
current or future services provided by the bargaining unit. The Employer shall
not conduct these surveys without providing the Union an opportunity to review
and comment on the questions and related issues. The Parties shall make every
reasonable effort to resolve any issue identified by the Union in their
review. The Union will be provided an advance copy of any survey.
Section 2. Surveys shall be conducted on the employee�s duty time.
Section 3. The Union shall be provided with the
geographical/organizational distribution of surveys which are distributed on a
random sample basis.
Section 4. The Union shall be provided a copy of survey results at the
same time they are distributed to the corresponding level of the Employer.
Section 5. The Union shall be afforded the opportunity to review and
comment in advance on any publication based on or derived from survey results.
If the Union requests and it is within the Employer�s control, the Employer
agrees to include the Unions comments in the publication.
Section 6. Participation in surveys shall be voluntary. To assure the
anonymity of survey comments, employees shall have reasonable access to a
typewriter/computer, if available.
Section 7. The Union representative shall be given the opportunity to
participate in all debriefing and action planning sessions involving employees
including, but not limited to, the Survey Feedback Action (SFA).