Section 1. Authorized Use of Long Distance Telephone Services

a. Telephone calls placed over Government-provided and commercial long distance systems that will be paid for or reimbursed by the Government, shall be used to conduct official business only.

b. Use of any Government system or service, or any other telephone service, where the Government pays the cost of the long distance call, for other than official business, except emergency calls and calls the agency determines are necessary in the interest of the Government is strictly prohibited.

c. Official business calls may include emergency calls and other calls the agency determines are necessary in the interest of the Government. Telephone calls may properly be authorized when they--

1. Do not adversely affect the performance of official duties by the employee or the employee's organization;
2. Are of reasonable duration and frequency; and
3. Could not reasonably have been made at another time.

d. The Employer agrees that the following examples of unofficial calls are necessary in the interest of the Government.

1. A call to family or doctor if an employee is injured on the job.

2. A call to notify family of a schedule change when an employee traveling on Government business is delayed due to official business or travel delay.

3. The cost of a telephone call not to exceed $3 on two separate days in a 7 day period while in a travel status, although FAA will not pay for a call on the day you return to your official status.

4. A call to notify family or to make alternate transportation or child care arrangements if the employee is required to work overtime without advance notice.

5. In an urgent or emergency situation, a call to the employee�s spouse or minor children (or those responsible for them, e.g., school or day care center) is authorized.

6. The Employer shall also accept collect calls from employees engaged in Liaison and Familiarization training when they have been bumped from a flight.

7. The Employer agrees to accept collect calls from an employee in specific instances where that employee has been directed to call the facility by the employer.

Section 2. In accordance with government wide regulations, and unless stipulated above, all other unofficial and/or personal calls that must be made during working hours may be made over the commercial long distance network if consistent with the criteria in Section 2c. and are:

a. Charged to the employee's home phone number or other non-Government number (third-number call);
b. Made to an 800 toll-free number;
c. Charged to the called party if a non-Government number (collect call); or
d. Charged to a personal telephone credit card.

Such call would be those such as a brief daily call of a non-emergency nature to spouse or minor children (or those responsible for them, e.g., school or day care center).

A brief daily call to locations that can be reached only during working hours, such as a local government agency or physician.

A brief call to arrange for emergency repairs to his/her residence or automobile.

Section 3. Agencies shall collect for any unauthorized calls if it is cost-effective to do so. Reimbursing the Government for unauthorized calls does not exempt an employee from appropriate administrative, civil, or criminal action.


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