Section 1. Indoor smoking shall be prohibited in all
flight service stations, except where one person is used to staff a shift and
that person smokes; the parties at the local level shall negotiate a solution
to accommodate the smoker and address non smoker concerns.
Section 2. The Agency shall designate an outside area connected to each
facility or freestanding that is reasonably accessible to employees and
provides reasonable protection from the elements. Reasonable protection shall
be defined in most cases as a three sided structure, with roof, that protect
the employee from rain, wind and snow. If circumstances warrant further
protection those protections shall be negotiated at the local level.
Section 3. Management shall permit reasonable smoking breaks consistent
with operational requirements. Scheduling breaks is a management
responsibility which must be met except for actual traffic considerations.
Section 4. In the event the Employer or the Union at the national level
are unable to resolve a dispute concerning the article, or any item pertaining
to smoking, the specific issue shall be submitted to an interest arbitrator
for mediation/arbitration at the national level.