Section 1. Payroll deduction for the payment of Union
dues shall be made from the pay of members in the unit who voluntarily request
such dues deductions and who are bona fide members of the Union in good
Section 2. The Union shall be responsible for purchasing Standard Form
(SF) 1187, for the proper completion and certification of the forms, and for
transmitting them to the appropriate payroll office.
Section 3. A SF-1187, properly completed and signed, shall be provided
to the appropriate payroll office by the Union. The form must be received in
the payroll office at least 4 days prior to the beginning of the pay period in
which the deduction is to begin/end.
Section 4. The Union agrees to give prompt, written notification to the
appropriate payroll office in the event an employee participating in the dues
deduction program ceases, for any reason, to be a member in good standing, in
order that the employee allotment may be terminated.
Section 5. An employee who has authorized the withholding of Union dues
may request revocation of such authorization after 1 year by completion and
submission of SF-1188 directly to the Agency's payroll office or to their
representatives at the facility in accordance with the procedures below.
a. For first year members - A dues revocation form
(SF-1188) may be filed anytime by an employee during the 30 calendar days'
period beginning 45 days prior to his/her anniversary date and ending 15
days prior to the anniversary date. It is the employee's responsibility to
ensure timely filing of his/her revocation forms. Revocation forms shall
only be accepted by the Agency during this time period.
b. For all other members - October 1 shall be the annual date for all
revocations of union dues. The employee must complete and submit an SF1188
to the Agency between the dates of September 1 and September 15 of any given
year. Upon receipt of a valid revocation form completed and signed by the
employee the appropriate agency payroll office shall discontinue withholding
the dues from the employee's pay effective only with the first full pay
period which begins after the following November 1.
c. In order for any dues revocation to be considered valid, the payroll
office shall, within one pay period following the date of revocation, notify
the Union at the national level in writing of all revocations received.
Section 6. The amount of national dues to be withheld
under this Article shall be the regular dues of the member as specified on the
member's SF-1187 or as certified by the Union if the amount of regular dues
has been changed as provided in Section 7 of this Article. A deduction of
regular national dues shall be made each pay period from the pay of an
employee who has requested such allotment for dues. It is understood that no
deduction for dues shall be made in any pay period for which the employee's
net earnings after other deductions are insufficient to cover the full
allotment of dues.
Section 7. If the amount of regular national dues is changed by the
Union, the Union shall notify the Director, Office of Labor and Employee
Relations, in writing and shall certify as to the new amount of regular
national dues to be deducted each pay period. New SF-1187 authorization forms
shall not be required. Changes in the amount of Union dues for payroll
deduction purposes shall not be made more frequently than once in each 12
month period.
Section 8. The issuance of a check for the total amount deducted shall
be authorized by the appropriate payroll office. The check shall be made
payable to the National Association of Air Traffic Specialists, Inc., and
mailed to their headquarters not later than 10 working days after the close of
each pay period. With each check, the Union shall be provided with a list
showing the names of employees, the amount deducted for dues for each
employee, and the amount remitted by the accompanying check. Administrative
errors in remittance checks shall be corrected and adjusted in the next
remittance check to be issued to the Union.
Section 9. All deductions of dues provided for in this Article shall be
automatically terminated upon processing of a SF-50 separating an employee
permanently from the bargaining unit. The Employer shall be responsible for
notifying the appropriate servicing payroll office promptly when one of these
actions occurs. When an employee is reassigned from one servicing payroll
office to another, his/her national dues shall continue to be deducted without
interruption. In the event that dues are not initiated or are terminated
improperly, the Employer agrees to reimburse the Union in an amount equal to
the regular and periodic dues the Union would have received for the period in
question. Any amount overpaid the employee will be collected in accordance
with Agency regulations.
Section 10. Employees are responsible for ensuring that their dues
withholding status is accurately reflected each pay period on the Statement of
Earnings and Leave. Employees shall, through appropriate facility channels,
notify the payroll processing center promptly of any errors. Failure or delay
by an employee to promptly initiate and actively pursue any such errors may
release the Agency from any obligation to reimburse the employee for dues
Section 11. If the Agency makes an erroneous payment to the Union or
employee, the Agency shall correct the erroneous payment by billing the Union
or employee directly within 30 days from the payment date. After the Agency
bills the Union or employee to correct an erroneous payment, the Union or
employee shall verify that the billing is correct and repay the erroneous
payment to the Agency within 30 days of being notified of the error. If there
is no dispute concerning the overpayment, the Union or employee may negotiate
a payment schedule with the Agency. The Union or an Employee may request a
waiver of overpayment in accordance with the Agency�s directives. Upon such a
request, any repayment will be held in abeyance pending a final decision.
Section 12. In addition to the allotments permitted by DOT/FAA Order
2730.11A, the Employer shall permit employees to voluntarily designate two
allotments from their pay for programs sponsored by the Union, provided said
allotments are for a lawful purpose as permitted by 5 C.F.R. 550.311(b).