E-Mail Update July 05, 2006 |
Wednesday, 05 July 2006 |
NAATS HQ E-Mail Update July 05, 2006
We had a telcon today and I can fill you in on some of the issues discussed. There are certain changes that the organization needs to make and that has to be done through Constitutional Changes. I’ve asked Marc Lackman to take the lead on that. It will be done as quickly as possible without jeopardizing the position of our members in Alaska and the Command Center. Any arbitrations or grievances still hanging in the balance will be followed through. That does not mean if you have a grievance in the pipeline that it will automatically be arbitrated. Our attorney, Marc Lackman, and I will look at each grievance on a case by case basis to see if it warrants going to arbitration just like we’ve done in the past. The EEOC age discrimination case, we are still waiting on the Judge’s decision on the summary judgment. Mike Sheldon will be checking with the attorneys tomorrow to see if we can find out where that stands. Depending on the outcome of the summary judgment, a decision will need to be made as to whether or not to ask for a status hearing. The status hearing will not be done just because, we need to have something to go on. All of the retirement issues still hanging out there are probably one of the most important issues to people both in the lower 48 and Alaska in case something happens down the road. We need to get those issues resolved, the question is how to go about it. First I’m going to talk to NAGE to see how we can work together to make these things happen. It maybe that we contract for their services, or people pay a monthly fee to help defer costs. I will do the best I can to work this the most efficient and effective way for people. Denise will continue to work out of her house for the next several months to ensure issues are handled as promptly as possible. We will need her help to put together the mailings with the constitution changes and also put together new elections once the constitution is approved just to name a few things. When everything is straightened out we will see where we are and decide if the Maryland office is needed maybe on a part time basis. I cannot say enough about Denise she has been through the ringer with all of us and continues to stand with us to get things done. I have never worked with a more dedicated woman, who I am proud to call friend. To the 431 people who voted yes, thank you for the support. To the others I will never understand the no vote, but that was your decision to make and you’ll have to live with that decision. I’ve gotten a couple of very nice emails and those are what keep me going. The few other nasty, mean spirited ones I’ve gotten amaze me, I’ll just leave it at that. Kate Breen |
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 01 August 2006 )