(E1 Article 40; U2 Article 68)
Section 1. The Controller-in-Charge is intended to provide
watch supervision for the continuous operation of a facility or area where a
supervisor is not available. Assignments of bargaining unit employees to CIC
duties are used when necessary to supplement the supervisory staff.
Section 2. When assigned CIC Duties, a bargaining unit employee shall be given
sufficient authority to fulfill the responsibilities of the assignment
including the authority necessary to approve/disapprove sick/annual leave
requests. General guidance and/or goals for the shift may be conveyed in
facility directives and/or during the shift/area position briefing.
Section 3. Prior to being designated as a CIC, an employee shall have been
facility rated for at least six (6) months and shall be operationally current.
A Union representative shall be a member of the panel designated by the
Employer to recommend CIC candidates. The panel shall forward its
recommendations to the employer or his/her designee for selection. The
Employer retains the right to select Controllers-in-Charge.
Section 4. Employees who are not selected to be a CIC, upon request, shall be
advised of the reasons for non-selection. When applicable, specific areas the
employee needs to improve to be considered for the CIC position shall be
Section 5. At facilities where CIC duties are performed, bargaining unit
employees shall complete a CIC training course prior to assignment of such
Section 6. Each facility shall maintain a roster of bargaining unit employees
qualified to perform CIC duties. When CIC duties are to be performed,
assignment shall be made from the roster on an equitable basis.
Section 7. When other qualified bargaining unit members are available, Union
representatives shall not be required to perform CIC duties.
Section 8. The Parties agree that CIC duties will be added to the AFSS and FSS
performance standards as a Critical Outcome. Bargaining unit employees will
receive CIC premium pay only when assigned to CIC duties at operational AFSS�s
or FSS�s. Only one (1) CIC will be signed on at any given time in an
operational facility. CIC premium pay shall be paid at the rate of ten (10)
percent of the applicable hourly rate of basic pay, times the number of hours
and portions of hours during which the employee is assigned CIC duties. This
premium pay is in addition to any other premium pay granted for overtime,
night or Sunday work and in addition to hazard pay differential.