Section 1. Whenever a petition, signed within a 90 day period by a majority of the regular members in good standing who are eligible to vote for any elected officer, is filed with the National Office together with charges alleging misconduct by their elected representative, the Executive Director shall immediately send a copy of the charges to the officer alleged to have engaged in misconduct, which officer shall have the right to submit to the National Office, within 30 days, a written defense. No Association funds may be expended to promote or defend a recall petition.
Thereafter, within a period of fifteen (15) days, the Executive Director shall cause secret ballots to be mailed to all regular members in good standing who are eligible to vote for the Regional officer whose recall is sought, together with the written charges and the officer's defense. In the case of a Facility Representative whose recall is sought, the Regional Director shall promptly appoint an Election Committee which shall be responsible for conducting the recall vote within 20 days, for distributing copies of the charges and response to eligible voters, together with notice to all members of the time, date, and location of the balloting, and for the preparation, distribution, collection, counting, and safeguarding of ballots. Two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast shall be necessary to recall an officer.
Section 2. Where the welfare of NAATS is at risk, a Facility Representative may be suspended by the Board of Directors pending the outcome of a full and fair hearing; an elected officer may be suspended by the Board of Directors pending the outcome of a full and fair hearing and a recall referendum.
Section 3. The President may be removed from office by a vote of impeachment by a majority vote of members voting in a recall ballot. The President shall be served with a written petition calling for impeachment over the signatures of a majority of the members of the Board. The petition shall include specific charges against the President which the members of the Board. signatory to the petition, feel warrant the action. The President shall have 30 days to respond to the charges. The written response shall be delivered to all members of the Board. If the members of the Board are not satisfied with the response, and, by majority vote, decide that further action is warranted, an impeachment vote of the Active membership shall be taken., Such vote shall be by secret ballot, and shall be conducted within 30 days of the decision of the Board to require the vote. The President shall be permitted to prepare a written defense to the charges. A copy of this defense, and a copy of the charges specified by the Board, shall be mailed to all members, at NAATS expense, at least ten days prior to the mailing of the ballots. If a majority of the votes cast by the membership supports the impeachment of the President, the position shall be vacated within ten days following the counting of the ballots.
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This page was last updated on 24 November, 2000